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What does the NHS pay deal mean to employees? • SureCert

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It is up to these administrations to determine what they do with this money, they are free to negotiate a deal with their trade unions which mirrors what has been negotiated for England. Hospital caterers, cleaners, porters and other staff on the lowest pay grade would get an immediate pay rise of more than £2,000 this year - an increase of between 11 and 13 per cent. The only circumstances we are aware of when this can happen are when someone is promoted between 1 April and 1 July 2018, from either of the pay points on band 1 in to band 2, and from the top point of band 2 in to band 3. Clearly, the law prevents anyone from being treated less favourably in certain circumstances, for example if they are on maternity leave. Pay progression is not automatic under existing Agenda for Change arrangements. Increases to earnings include a combination of pay awards, reform and incremental progression.

New NHS pay deal for England

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Employers should plan and budget on the basis that all staff are expected to progress on time. The numbers of staff on each pay point changes constantly as staff join and leave the workforce. For all other staff there is no eligibility for unsocial hours payments to continue during sickness absence, after outstanding payments have been made, unless the employer determines that the reason for the absence is caused by a work related injury or disease contracted in the actual discharge of their duties. The agreement did not consider changes to pension contributions. Agenda for Change was introduced in 2004 which brought together several pay arrangements in to one overall pay structure underpinned by Job Evaluation.

Pay rise for NHS staff in England

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No changes to injury allowance were agreed as part of these talks. Therefore the years of experience column has been introduced. This means hospital caterers, porters, administrators and other staff on the lowest grades can now look forward to a wage rise of more than £2,000 this year - an increase of at least 11 per cent. Pay for those already on the top point of each pay bands will see their pay rise by at least 6. In the pay structure table, consolidated one off payments for some people in bands 8 and 9 are not shown, which is why the values in the pay structure decrease in year 3. The deal also delivers substantial increases to starting salaries, meaningful pay rises on promotion and faster progression through most pay bands.

Pay journey tool

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The calculator shows changes to basic pay. To work out exactly how much, visit the. The framework agreement states that additional standards for local appraisal processes could be agreed in partnership with local trade unions. To contact individual members of the press team email Media Advisor 020 7312 3432 or Media Advisor 020 7312 3424. Incentivising staff to sell leave by making sure they are rewarded appropriately for doing so can help in building capacity in key workforces.

Staff will see NHS pay rise in 'two stages'

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The calculator shows changes to basic pay over the three years. Staff are able to chose to move to section 2. Those already at the top of their pay bands will receive a 6. It should not mean changes to other related terms and conditions such as overtime, standby and payment for shift overruns. Staff members remaining on annex 5 will not have any changes to their occupational sickness absence pay. They would also receive backpay on their band 1 pay point, from 1 April 2018 up to the time they were promoted.

Breakdown by pay band

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Because of structural reform to all pay bands and with overlapping points being removed, it is no longer possible to use the same spine point naming convention. The agreement was formally ratified on the 27th of June 2018. The expectation would be that new appointees start at the bottom of their pay band, as now. Holiday is unaffected, as are unsocial hours payments. Use our to see what the changes would mean for you. The calculator shows changes to basic pay.

NHS pay: what’s the deal?

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You can also download the. She is at the top of her pay band so will only get the 6. But if you are at the bottom of your current pay band, you will receive anywhere between 9% and 22%. Information about individual union consultation processes is available from your own union. The deal has been constructed in such a way that real gains for staff will be seen. The new pay structure ends automatic annual progression. The top points of these bands are not affected and any staff who reach the top of the band during the three years of the deal would not be affected once they reach the top of the scale.

NHS Pay calculator for England

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For the last seven years, , limiting their annual pay rise to no more than one per cent. By establishing this link, the importance of good appraisals, line management and staff development will be strengthened allowing greater staff engagement and a tighter focus on the training and skills staff need to deliver the best patient care. It is a real achievement and one that we and the other unions have fought hard to get for our dedicated and hardworking members. The 2018 agreement would move to that system for all employers from April 2019. A restructure is not a voluntary change of role therefore the person would retain their choice. Others could get much more, up to 29%. Overlaps between pay bands have also been removed resulting in much better starting salaries on each band.

Pay Deal 2018

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This is not a perfect deal and website it does not go the full way to recovering the losses incurred by health workers during more than a decade of austerity and pay cuts. Scotland has already given its lowest-paid staff bigger rises, so there could be some divergence in how the terms are introduced elsewhere. Contrary to rumour, no holidays will be lost by any staff as part of this agreement. It is a deal that I encourage our members to accept. Those who are still progressing to the top will also gain from bigger increments and quicker progress to the top. The Government is consistently put under pressure by.

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